Since 2019, some of our actively managed portfolios have delivered double-digit returns. We create customized structured notes through a 7-step process, managing them tactically to ease your practice's monitoring burden. (Click title for more information)
We provide diverse managed money strategies tailored to your client's goals and risk preferences, aiming to outperform the market with a focus on risk-adjusted returns. (Click title for more information)
Tailored Investment Strategies with Ancorato’s Income and Growth SMAs
At Ancorato, we understand that every investor has unique financial goals, whether they are focused on generating income or maximizing growth. That’s why we’ve developed four distinct objective-oriented structured note portfolios to meet diverse objectives:
Conservative Income, Fixed-Income (FISN): For clients seeking stable, reliable returns, this portfolio emphasizes structured notes designed to generate consistent income while maintaining a low-risk profile.
Aggressive Income, High-Income (HISN): For those aiming to boost income, this strategy takes on higher risk by utilizing structured notes that offer enhanced yield opportunities, aiming to capture more upside.
Conservative Growth, Anchored Growth (AGSN): This strategy focuses on preserving capital while participating in market growth, the intention is balanced approach that blends downside protection with measured upside potential.
Aggressive Growth, Opportunistic Growth (OGSN): Ideal for investors with a higher risk tolerance, this portfolio targets maximum growth by leveraging structured notes that provide more significant market exposure with corresponding potential for greater upside participation.
No matter the investment objective, Ancorato’s objective-oriented portfolios offer the solutions needed to align with your client’s financial goals
Learn about our portfolios
What Advisors Are Saying
“The structured notes strategies that Ancorato has provided for my clients has completely changed how I view retirement planning. The income generated from these strategies has been meaningful without creating additional risk."
— Dave C, Senior Wealth Advisor
“The strategies that Ancorato provides, allow me to have conversations with high net worth prospects. That sets me apart from their current financial advisor. Giving me a competitive advantage.”
— John L, Senior Wealth Advisor