Simplifying Structured Investments
Our Four Objective-Oriented Portfolios
Fixed-Income Structured Notes (FISN)
Income-generating structured notes mostly tied to broad indices, sector ETFs, and/or industry ETFs.
Objective: Generate moderate risk-adjusted income
Anchored Growth Structured Notes (AGSN)
Growth-focused structured notes mostly tied to broad indices, sector ETFs and/or industry ETFs. New in an SMA wrapper.
Objective: Generate moderate total return with potential tax efficiency
High-Income Structured Notes (HISN)
Income-generating structured notes mostly tied to sector ETFs, industry ETFs, and/or individual stocks.
Objective: Generate aggressive risk-adjusted income
Opportunistic Growth Structured Notes (OGSN)
Growth focused structured notes mostly tied to sector ETFs, industry ETFs, and/or individual stocks. New in an SMA wrapper.
Objective: Generate aggressive total return with potential tax efficiency
The Future of Structured Note Investing is Now
Potentially accomplish your goals of income generation or market growth without the time commitment
Turnkey, actively managed separately managed accounts designed to reduce concentration risk across a diversified pool of 20-40 notes and issuing banks
Remove the time intensive responsibility of pricing notes, managing calls and maturities, and redeploying capital
Strategically avoid note overexposure to generic broad-based indices
Easy to implement and scale across all model portfolios