Simplifying Structured Investments

Our Four Objective-Oriented Portfolios


Fixed-Income Structured Notes (FISN)

  • Income-generating structured notes mostly tied to broad indices, sector ETFs, and/or industry ETFs.

  •  Objective: Generate moderate risk-adjusted income

Anchored Growth Structured Notes (AGSN)

  • Growth-focused structured notes mostly tied to broad indices, sector ETFs and/or industry ETFs. New in an SMA wrapper.

  • Objective: Generate moderate total return with potential tax efficiency



High-Income Structured Notes (HISN)

  • Income-generating structured notes mostly tied to sector ETFs, industry ETFs, and/or individual stocks.

  • Objective: Generate aggressive risk-adjusted income

Opportunistic Growth Structured Notes (OGSN)

  • Growth focused structured notes mostly tied to sector ETFs, industry ETFs, and/or individual stocks. New in an SMA wrapper.

  • Objective: Generate aggressive total return with potential tax efficiency

The Future of Structured Note Investing is Now

  • Potentially accomplish your goals of income generation or market growth without the time commitment

  • Turnkey, actively managed separately managed accounts designed to reduce concentration risk across a diversified pool of 20-40 notes and issuing banks

  • Remove the time intensive responsibility of pricing notes, managing calls and maturities, and redeploying capital

  • Strategically avoid note overexposure to generic broad-based indices

    Easy to implement and scale across all model portfolios

  • Are structured notes a part of your practice but scaling them across your book is a logistical nightmare?

    Ancorato’s objective-oriented SMA solutions are designed to streamline and simplify the process. By leveraging our Separately Managed Accounts, you can efficiently scale structured notes strategies for multiple clients without the administrative hassle. 

    Our SMAs allow you to manage structured note portfolios in a more organized and efficient manner, automating much of the process and enabling you to focus on growing your book of business rather than managing individual logistics. 

    Would you like to see how Ancorato’s SMAs can help you scale with ease? 

  • Is your portfolio of structured notes diversified outside of just the broad-based indices?

    If not, it might be time to explore broader diversification strategies. Relying solely on indices like the S&P 500 or NASDAQ can expose you to market-wide risk, but incorporating notes tied to other asset classes, sectors, or regions can help manage that risk. 

    Our Ancorato SMAs are designed to provide objective-oriented investment solutions that help spread risk across different asset classes, allowing for more balanced exposure and potentially greater returns. Our Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) allows for greater diversification beyond traditional indices by incorporating structured notes tied to a variety of asset classes, sectors, and global markets without being overly reliant on indices like the S&P 500.  

    Would you like to explore how Ancorato can help diversify your portfolio? 

  • Would you be open to using an SMA if you didn't have to open a new account for each client?

    With Ancorato’s Strategy Link technology platform, you can manage multiple clients' portfolios seamlessly within a single account. Strategy Link simplifies the process by eliminating the need for opening new accounts, making it easy to implement our objective-oriented SMA strategies without the administrative burden. 

    This solution gives you the flexibility to diversify and optimize client investments without the hassle of additional paperwork, while still providing tailored strategies for each client. 

    Would you like to explore how Strategy Link can streamline your portfolio management? 

  • Are you tired of dealing with structured notes getting called?

    If you're tired of dealing with structured notes getting called, you're not alone. Calls can be frustrating when they trigger early, especially if you're expecting a longer-term investment. When structured notes are called, you may lose out on potential future gains, and then you have to reinvest the proceeds, often in a different market environment. 


    Would you like to discuss some alternatives or strategies to help manage this issue?